The Cirrus Trombone Quartet, an ensemble of the U.S. Air Force Heritage of America Band at Langley Air Force Base, will perform classical and popular music in a free concert at the Williamsburg Library Theatre. Free tickets for the concert will be distributed beginning Tuesday, April 4 at the Williamsburg Library's Program Services desk. There is a limit of four tickets per person. Those not holding tickets will be admitted at 7:20.
The Cirrus Quartet will perform music by Haydn, J.S. Bach and Mozart. They will also perform 20th century classical pieces by Premru and Serocki. A selection of pops oriented tunes by Reinhold Gliere, Thelonius Monk and Henry Fillmore round out the evening.
This is another in the library's Dewey Decibel Concert Series. A complete list of concerts can be found at The Williamsburg Library is located at 515 Scotland Street, two blocks north of Merchants Square and the College of William and Mary.
Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of programs.
Added by Programs on March 28, 2006