Another World is Possible - Another U.S. is Necessary!
Texto en español abajo
Save the Date! Join Us!
15,000 people from 50 states, and 68 countries attended the US Social Forum in Atlanta earlier this summer. The Bay Area came out strongly, with a significant representation of grassroots base-building organizations.
Join us for a report-back to hear:
* what happened at the USSF and who was there
* reflections from Bay Area grassroots organizations on the experience and what it means for the work here at home
* assessments about the opportunities and challenges for movement building and a more effective Left
* announcement of a follow up discussion about next steps
$5-10 donation requested, no one turned away for lack of funds
**Please RSVP by August 10th to request childcare and Spanish interpretation
Co-sponsored by: Grassroots for Global Justice, Just Cause Oakland, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, PODER, POWER, SOUL, St. Peter's Housing Committee & the Center for Political Education and others.
You may also call for more info: 415-431-1918 or e-mail
Parte posteriora del informe de USSF: Otro mundo es posible: ¡Otros E.E.U.U. son necesarios!
15.000 personas atendieron al foro social de los E.E.U.U. en Atlanta este verano. El área de la bahía salió con una representación significativa Oír y las reflexiones de la parte de organizaciones de los pueblos del área de la bahía en la experiencia y qué significa para el trabajo aquí en el país.
** Por favor RSVP antes del 10 de agosto para solicitar el childcare y la interpretación española
¡Ensamblarnos para este informe-detrás importante! RSVP abajo.
You may also call for more info: 415-431-1918 or e-mail
Official Website:
Added by Fresh White on August 1, 2007