This is a presentation on the global nonviolent resistance movement for Palestine and how it relates to the US Boat to Gaza project. Adam Shapiro, the guest speaker, is an unrelenting proponent for non-violence and global movement for justice in Palestine. He will speak on these issues and the role the U.S. Boat to Gaza will play in the next Freedom Flotilla. Shapiro is a Co- founder of the International Solidarity Movement, board member of the Free Gaza Movement, and organizer of the U.S. Boat to Gaza project. This is a benefit for US Boat to Gaza.
For more information, call Kathy Sheetz 415-488-5508
Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee
Suggested Donation of $15. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Wheelchair accessible.
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Added by benburch666 on September 1, 2010