# 108 Thimmaiah Road, Vasanthnagar
Bangalore, Karnataka

The play deals with the desperation and the life and death involvement, that demands from the man and commitment more than human, and a commitment that eventually proves to be fatal. Urvashi and Jhony, Mashashweta’s story for the emergency, finds in the cancer of the throat, a metaphor for the suppression of democratic rights. It is not a metaphor that will bear a crude, literal artist image and his dream of catching the birds of happiness, the magic of popular songs with their sentimentality, and the painful naivete that can only mean death. The shock and pain and utter helplessness into which the emergency had plunged the Indian sensibility is captured in this strange story made into a play.

The play has been enacted priorly, and has been made into a movie by name “Gudia” in Hindi.

About the Playwright
Mahashweta Devi, is widely acknowledged as one of India’s foremost writers. Her trenchant, powerful, satiric fiction has won her recognition in the form of Sahitya Academy Award, and Jnanapeeth Awards, amongst several other literally honors. She was also awarded the padamshree in 1986 for her activist work amongst dispossessed tribal communities

The play “Urvashi and Jhony is translated from Bengali to English by Samik Bandyopadhyay.

Tickets: Rs 100.

For further details contact : Mr.Vinay : 9480183313

Official Website: http://www.afindia.org/bangalore/calendar.htm

Added by Toru Okada on June 7, 2007