Saint Louis, Missouri 63118

Reminder: Protest of Ald. Florida's Drive-Thru Saturday 12:30pm

Tomorrow, Saturday April 15, 32006, will be the protest of the proposed McDonald's at the corner of Grand & Winnebago (map). Here is a brief recap:

# The site in question is part of a larger development area that specifically excluded drive-thru establishments.

# Ald. Florida, developer Pyramid Companies and McDonald's have been crafting this plan for a while even though publicly Ald. Florida assured Gravois Park residents that the McDonald's would not go on this site.

# A City zoning reviewer has granted a variance to permit a drive-thru on the site, causing concerns of neighbors.

# Residents have filed an appeal to overturn the variance and are interviewing attorneys.

Tomorrow at 12:30pm is your chance to stand up and be counted. We need everyone to show Ald. Florida, Pyramid, McDonald's, the Mayor and the rest of the city that we don't want to live among suburban fast-food establishments. We want the city to act like a city and be urban. That means buildings up to the sidewalk and very limited parking in relation to building area.

If you want to catch up on all my posts on this issue click here. The oldest posts will be at the bottom with the most recent (this post) at the top).

See you tomorrow!

- Steve Patterson
Urban Review St. Louis

Official Website:

Added by changeformissouri on April 14, 2006

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