Zen meditation retreats give us the opportunity to focus entirely on meditation leaving behind the noise of the world. A retreat is an excellent opportunity to clear the mind of habitual thinking and generate energy to practice in everyday life. Soji Members $125. Non-Members $175. Price includes: Meals, private interview with Shuzen Sensei and dharma talks. Pre-Registration Required e-mail: registrar@sojizencenter.com or call: 215-242-1750. Soji Zen Center 2325 W. Marshall Rd. Lansdowne, PA 19050 Retreat dates:
Friday, 6/10/11 (6PM-9PM) Sat. 6/11/11 (6AM-9PM) Sun, 6/12/11 (6AM-9AM) Regular Sunday Program (9:30AM)
Added by Linda Bundick on May 15, 2011