2325 W. Marshall Road
Lansdowne, Pennsylvania 19050

Urban Sesshin is structured as a non-residential period of intensive meditation to expand our definition of ourselves and deepen our practice. Characterized by deep introspection and silence, sesshin is a wonderful opportunity to receive personal guidance, to draw from the strength of the sangha practicing together, and to experience the deep stillness that lies within each one of us.
The retreat is open to the general public, both to those currently engaged in a Zen practice and/or those wishing to renew their commitment, as well as to those who have had no prior experience but wish to be introduced to the Way of Zen.

The retreat begins on Friday, August 7th at 6PM - 9PM, Saturday, August 8th at 6AM - 9PM and Sunday, August 9th at 6AM - 9AM. The regular Sunday service begins at 9:30 AM - 12PM.

For further details and registration forms: contact registrar@sojizencenter.com or call 302.753.8681.

Official Website: http://sojizencenter.com

Added by Soji Zen Center on July 20, 2009

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