~ WHAT ~
The Urban League of Southern Connecticuts Young Professionals - New Haven Chapter announces its Evening in Paris Wine Tasting and Silent Auction Benefit at the Union League Caf in New Haven, CT.
Join us for an evening of fine French wines and delectable hors'doeuvres! All the wines will be available for sale at the event at competitive prices. The venue will coordinate all orders, payment, delivery and pick-up.
Each stationwill pour three wines including a premium selection so join us to sample the"best of the best"!
~ WHEN ~
Saturday, July 25th, 2009 - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Union League Cafe, 1032 Chapel St., New Haven, CT 06510
~ COST ~
$49.99/per ticket
Debit/Credit cards payments are welcomed.
Tickets will be distributedbeginning April 1st, 2009.
Cocktail attire.
Sponsorship opportunities are available through June 30th. To order a sponsorship kit, please contact Adie McCalmon at 203.496.6418 or via e-mail at
Over 200 guests will have an opportunity to experience fine wines from the various regions of France and hors'doeuvres while networking with prominent and influential individuals!
Organized by Urban League of Southern ConnecticutMission:
The mission of the Urban League of Southern Connecticut is to enable African Americans and other minority groups to secure and sustain economic self-reliance and parity.
The vision of the Urban League of Southern Connecticut is to unify, inspire and empower our community through leadership, advocacy and development.
Ticket Info: - Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Ticket, $51.24
- Urban League YP Membership and Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Ticket, $71.74
Official Website: http://nhulypwinetastingsilentauction-upcoming.eventbrite.com