Anno Domini presents...
Urban Heart by Laura Brink ? April 1-28, 2005
solo exhibit
Artist's Reception: First Friday April 1, 2005
Hours: from 8 p.m. 'til late
Music by: Cutso
Admission: free
Born in Vancouver, BC, 1973, Laura took her first art class when she was six in Florence, Italy. Her father's work as an Art Historian allowed her family to live outside of Florence for five years. There, she was enrolled in the Martinot Art School where she studied traditional methods of painting and sculpture, perspective and anatomy. Four out of those five years Laura was home-schooled by her mother who emphasized illustration, poetry and creative writing. During this time also, Laura recounts visiting just about every museum and church throughout Italy countless times with her father and his students. Laura believes that those years living and participating on a farm allowed her to build a confidence in her abilities and a crucial exploration into her imagination. "Art became a way of communication and for expression at a young age."
Laura spent her teenage years in Vancouver still drawing and painting but just on her own time. She looked at high school as a place where not much fun was to be had and felt it difficult at times relating to the social norm of her peers, hence having a period of rebellious confusion. It wasn't until she was 20 that Laura was anxious for more formal art education. From 1994-1998 she attended the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL where she earned a BFA in illustration.
After college Laura nurtured her determined, free-spirited nature, spending three years wandering the country working as a freelance illustrator and designer searching for a place that felt like home. In 2001 Laura landed in Santa Fe, NM where she feels very creatively inspired and is also reminded of how visual beauty stimulates her soul. Here she continues to pursue her career as an artist and to express her truth through her work.
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Added by Anno Domini on March 27, 2005