1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Berkeley Code Enforcement is selectively fining activists for supposed "violations" in their gardens with fines that amount to extortion and eviction. They target neighbors actively engaged in helping communities gain some self-sufficiency by organizing permaculture skill shares, work parties, and growing diverse, edible, organic gardens that inspire and feed hungry people, wildlife, bees and other beneficials. In this time of global climate change, ecological collapse, and economic distress, tax dollars are wasted on harassment of urban gardeners by city officials who single out activists for otherwise ignored code, as well as on county and state insect trapping programs that frequently target such gardens with pesticides and quarantines. Homegrown food and ecology is not a crime!

Film: FRIDAYS AT THE FARM, a cinematic portrait of organic community farming and the enrichment of life for all those who participate in such practice

Asa Dodsworth (Acton House Victory Garden)
Maxina Ventura (East Bay Pesticide Alert)
Nik Bertulis (Regenerative Design instructor, Merritt College)

Music: by Carol Denney and Maxina Ventura
Food: by Food Not Bombs

Community Participation Invited
Support Urban Gardens by Growing one Yourself: Sign up for a Community Work Day in Your Yard

Contact us if your garden is targeted with harassment or pesticides: (510) 895-2312 or beneficialbug@netzero.net

Sponsored by East Bay Pesticide Alert / Don't Spray California (http://www.dontspraycalifornia.org/)
Co-sponsored by BFUU Social Justice Ctee Conscientious Projector Series
Donations welcomed for our on-going social justice work
Wheelchair accessible/scent free, please

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Added by benburch666 on June 13, 2009