Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX, Texas

October 4, 2007
"Our Endangered Values"
by Jimmy Carter

WHEN: First Thursdays at Noon. See full schedule to the left.
WHAT: Lunch and great conversation about issues that matter to our community: poverty, society, economics, faith, politics and more. For a list of previous topics, click here.

Free child care provided to the first five people who RSVP to Lisa Goolsby and request child care. However, children must be picked up promptly at 1:00 p.m..
WHO: Over 100 smart, interesting people who care about our community.
WHERE: Highland Park United Methodist Church
Room 386
3300 Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75205

Click here for map.
HOW: Just show up - and bring a friend! No reading required, and lunch is provided. Books can be ordered through the Central Dallas Bookstore (provided through Amazon.com).
PARKING: Free parking in rear or across Bishop in the Meadows Museum garage.
RSVP: Email questions/comments/RSVPs to LGoolsby@CentralDallasMinistries.org.

Official Website: http://www.centraldallasministries.org/uebc/

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