Come absorb some of the most insightful films, documentaries and commentaries across a wide spectrum of relevant topics of today and tomorrow. Urban Alliance for Sustainability's Green Movie Night provides a casual space for you to meet others in the local sustainability movement and encourages lively, open discussion. Local organizations working on the theme of the month participate in a Q/A discussion with the goal of creating effective collaborations and solutions.
Movie Night Details:
Doors open at 6pm, speakers and film start at 6:30pm. Seating is limited and we'll start promptly so you are encouraged to come early. Admission is $9 or $5 for seniors and New College students, payable at the Roxie box office two doors down. Additionally, a discount is available to qualified UAS members - for more info go to
Movie Descriptions:
Food, Communities and Power
2005 Bioneers plenary talk from Thomas Linzey, co-founder of and staff attorney for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. Movie Length: 27 min.
Democracy in America
Joseph McCormick, former Republican nominee to the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia, was doing research on the state of "Democracy in America" after his lost election bid. His research was revealing a sorry state of affairs until he found out about our experiment with the Wisdom Council in the Rogue Valley. Movie Length: 22min.
Building Stronger Communities
How does the region's high cost of housing and incessant traffic congestion affect our schools, families and communities? What can we do about it? This film features heart-warming stories from Bay Area residents, which reveal the often hidden and highly personal costs of these regional issues. Movie Length: 14 minutes
Forum Speakers:
Allison Quaid, the Executive Director of the Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Communities. Wisdom Council, speaker tba
Admission is $9 or $5 for seniors and New College students, payable at the Roxie box office two doors down.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 23, 2007