217 N Front St
Marquette, Michigan 49855

Upper Peninsula Publishers & Authors Association BRINGS SELF-PUBLISHING GURU TO U.P.
Dan Poynter to be Upper Peninsula Publishers & Authors Association’s Annual Convention Keynote Speaker

MARQUETTE, Mich. (April 24, 2009) – Reflecting a commitment to bringing high-profile publishing experts to the U.P. for the benefit of regional authors and publishers, the Upper Peninsula Publishers & Authors Association’s 11th Annual Convention will highlight world-renowned self-publishing guru Dan Poynter. The convention will be held on May 16th in Marquette at the Peter White Public Library beginning at 10:00 a.m.

Dan Poynter is the author of more than 120 books, has been a publisher since 1969, and is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). His seminars have been featured on CNN, his books have been pictured in The Wall Street Journal, and his story has been told in US News & World Report. His mission is to see that people do not die with a book still inside them.

Poynter’s book The Self-Publishing Manual (now in its 16th edition) is the recognized bible for those considering publishing their own books, while remaining a valuable resource for all small and independent publishers.

In his keynote speech — Unfair Advantage: Taking Control of Your Book — Poynter addresses the five major advantages that self-publishers and other small publishers have over the big publishers. He says, “It is easy to win if you have inside information.” And inside information is what Dan provides!

After lunch, Poynter will present Book Promotion for Writers, Introverts & Other Reluctant Marketers to explain how writers can stay home and write…while effectively promoting their books.

Established in 1998 to support authors and publishers who live in or write about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, UPPAA is a Michigan not-for-profit association with a complete online catalog of member books, including links for those interested in purchasing them. UPPAA encourages everyone with an interest in writing and publishing books to join and participate.

Tyler Tichelaar
(906) 226-1543 (Phone)
President@UPPAA.org (Email)

Official Website: http://www.uppaa.org/

Added by motownwriters on April 26, 2009

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