Bring your big ideas for a better Dayton to the first-ever updayton Young Creatives Summit.
On Sat. April 18th at the Dayton Convention Center, young local creatives, ages 18-40, will join together with Miami Valley leadership to develop innovative ideas to transform Dayton into a better place to live, work and play.
Summit participants will discuss critical topics such as regional jobs, starting your own business, culture, neighborhoods, community service, diversity and schools while leaders listen to what young people believe we need to build a better Dayton.
The event will also include lunch and resource fair where attendees can network with peers, local businesses, organizations, and community leaders.
We need your ideas! Grab your friends and join us for the updayton Young Creatives Summit on April 18.
Space is limited. Go to to reserve your spot today.
Watch for our commercials on the Dayton CW next week!
Official Website:
Added by updayton on March 31, 2009