333 Elliott Ave. W. Suite 200
Seattle, Washington 98119

Have you ever wanted to trade stories dealing with research challenges (with difficult participants, team members, emergencies) and share how you shimmy out of these situations? Want to share interviewing and improvisation skills with new and experienced researchers?
Join Julie Ratner, Ph.D. Big Fish Games' Research Manager, in their new Seattle offices (in lower Queen Anne) for a casual evening of exchanging bloopers and practicing different techniques in small groups on Tuesday, October 21 from 6:30 pm-9pm.

Light snacks will be provided, and a recruiting table will be provided for networking and advertising open positions at Big Fish Games. Attendees can also sign up for a guided tour of the newly built Big Fish Games research labs.

This event is free to registered UPA members. Non-members will be charged $5 to attend.
If you'd like to attend, RSVP by Oct 16th by emailing Robert Skrobe via rskrobe@gmail.com
If you'd like to volunteer to demonstrate interview techniques, email Julie Ratner at Julie.Ratner@bigfishgames.com

Schedule of Events:

6:30-7:00 Networking
7:00-8:30 Demo of challenging situations and Interview Techniques and Practicing Improvisation
8:30 – 9 BFG Lab Tour (optional – limited to groups of 5)


Big Fish Games
333 Elliott Ave. W.
Suite 200 (2nd floor)
Seattle, WA 98119
Main phone line: 206.213.5753

About Big Fish Games:

Big Fish Games is a global leader and innovator in the online games industry, producing and delivering the world's best games and game experiences. Big Fish Games Studios develops and publishes the industry's leading brands for computers, mobile devices and consoles. Its portfolio of hit games includes Mystery Case Files®, Hidden ExpeditionTM and AzadaTM. Big Fish Games' portal at www.bigfishgames.com distributes more games worldwide than any other online site and offers visitors a rapidly expanding selection of content by launching A New Game Every Day! TM

About the host:

Julie Ratner Ph.D., Research Manager (aka Funologist) has been leading usability research in software, e-commerce, mobile, and gaming industries since 1993. Her priority at Big Fish Games is to build a team to deliver market and usability research findings on casual gamers and social community gamers; her recent research focus has been MMO personas and health benefits of gaming. She is a 'closet' gamer (Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst and Fairway Solitaire) and her prior professions were as foreign language interpreter, museum curator, and bagel chip maker.

Added by narisa on October 17, 2008



If you didn't RSVP, no worries! Just showing up is fine.

Interested 1