Dore Alley between Folsom and Howard Streets
San Francisco, California

The Up Your Alley Fair is a more local event, much the same as the Folsom Street Fair, except on a smaller scale. Approximately 12,000+ leatherfolk attend.

Folsom Street Events promotes diversity within the leather/alternative lifestyle, highlighting entertainment, service and vendors. Proceeds from the production of the fairs are distributed to organizations which promote a sense of community, diversity, cooperation, health and human services.

Official Website:

Added by sagemane on January 6, 2008



my lover and i have a room at motel 6 near the event any one want to share it with us to defray expences. let me know red1 ( thanks Rick
have room booked from friday check out monday


It's more like 50,000 + at Up Your Alley.


My new guy is insisting we go to this - him leading me around on a leash - NUDE! Is this for real? Sounds sooo erotic but unreal.


I've never been to this before. Is this any fun. ?