A beautifully improbable acrobatic adventure
Rooted in a timeless and peculiar world, Until Now is a beautifully improbable acrobatic adventure, with a little magic and a few surprises. Directed by Leandre Ribera, of Leandre and Claire, a poetic universe is fashioned from joyful flips and harmonious balances to speak of journeys, good-byes and the astonishing feats of friendship.
mimbre fuses world-class acrobatics with physical theatre and dance, using a unique physical language to tell stories and create imagery. The show transforms non-conventional arts settings into stages creating a world of humour, energy and visual poetry, celebrating the trio's physical abilities and reclaiming a bit of beauty in the urban landscape.
Official Website: http://www.laban.org/php/recommend.php?id=83
Added by labanonline on June 22, 2009