With four generations - Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation Xers and Millennials - meeting in the workforce for the first time in history, leaders are challenged to find new ways to meet each generation's values, attitudes, beliefs, expectations and demands. Anna Liotta will share Generationally Savvy(TM) Solutions you can use to attract, engage and invigorate each of the four generations currently in your marketplace. This high energy, action packed presentation will give participants ideas on how to turn the generations' competing needs from obstacles into opportunities and the ability to evaluate and make changes in an organization's culture that will enable all generations to thrive.
Anna Liotta, President and CEO for Resultance Inc., a consulting firm that helps companies respond effectively to present and future generational forces in the workplace.
Official Website: http://www.antiochseattle.edu/events/index.html#/?i=1
Added by FullCalendar on April 19, 2011