Dear heart-centered business owner,
Are you passionate about what you do...but resist what you have to have a successful business?
Do you love serving people but get overwhelmed with all the stuff you have to do to keep your business going?
Do you know you have a powerful calling and a lot of people to serve and you are ready to see that happen in your lifetime?
Hello! My name is Jenn August and I completely understand how frustrating it is to have so much to give and feel like there are so
many things in the way of being able to give it. I know what it's like to give 100% of my effort and get nothing back.
I went from a woman hiding under the covers to an international speaker being invited all over the world to share my gifts and my
This is why I know satisfying service and financial abundance is your destiny too.
If you have the ache to serve and thrive, I am so happy you are reading this invitation.
I want you to invite you to a powerful two day event called....
UNLOCK YOUR SUCCESS CODE & THRIVE (1/26 & 1/27 in San Jose, CA)
This event is for YOU...
- If you are tired of feeling like you are in your own way
-If you know deep down inside how powerful you are AND are ready to have MORE CLIENTS,
make MORE MONEY and make a BIGGER IMPACT in the world.
Register here:
At this event you will discover:
· Why it's not your fault that you resist what you need to do to grow your business
· What's keeping clients away and how to turn on a signal to attract your ideal clients
· The secret formula to get through resistance and into results fast
· Your unique "Success Map" so you will know what motivates you into inspired action instead of forcing yourself to do things
· How to run your business in a way that is satisfying to your soul and profitable to your pocket book
I have been so fortunate to do this event eight times and have a stack of letters and emails from people thanking me for putting on
this event.
Join Jenn August's, a leading expert on removing blocks to financial and business success on this 2-Day Intensive
Contact Person: Ariel tel # 510 545 7053
"Unlock Your Success Code...And Thrive"
($997 Program Tuition*)
Today's Offer $47 (Early Bird Special) & you can bring a friend for free
Added by Ariel Bumanlag on December 5, 2012