Pease Tradeport
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801

"… the impossible challenges of life are the best teachers."

-- Amy Mindell, Metaskills

Is it possible that our "impossible challenges of life" might be teachers in disguise? What can you learn through dealings with demanding coworkers, angry siblings, or unexpected setbacks? The Dalai Lama says, "If you don't like what's happening in your life, change your mind." But how do you actually do it?

This one-day experiential workshop with Judy Ringer and Joy Jacobs is a way to reframe and manage your most difficult life attacks. You will gain awareness, choice, and power over your reactions. You'll take an in-depth look at where your life energy is stuck and how you can release it for more purposeful uses. And you will leave centered and energized for continued practice.

Give yourself a gift of discovery, creativity, learning and fun. The workshop will use movement, writing, visualization, reflection, and group discussion to help participants:

* Increase options in habitually stressful situations
* Discover "what is right about what's wrong"
* Develop the skills of awareness, fluidity, and presence
* Learn the six stages of transforming an attack into a gift of energy
* Unfold your unique potential to face life's daily challenges

Lunch and Unlikely Teachers and In a Pickle? texts included


Judy Ringer provides conflict and communication skills training throughout the U.S. and Canada with unique workshops based on mind/body principles from the martial art aikido, in which she holds a black belt. The author of Unlikely Teachers: Finding the Hidden Gifts in Daily Conflict, she uses her expertise in several best practice communication models to bring to life key concepts such as self-management under pressure and appreciation of other viewpoints. Judy is founder and chief instructor of Portsmouth Aikido and sole owner of Power & Presence Training, in Portsmouth, NH.

Joy Jacobs, M.A., has a broad range of study and experience in Eastern and Western philosophy and spiritual traditions, Jungian psychology, and Process Work that can be applied in everyday life, business, and education. An accomplished educator with over 20 years of experience working with individual clients, couples, and groups, Joy is a Diplomate in Process Work, as originated by Arnold and Amy Mindell. In all of her work, she emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit. Joy is the sole owner of Infinite Strategies, in Peterborough, NH and the author of In a Pickle? Nourishing Recipes & Food for Thought.

Directions to the site, as well as other logistical information, will be mailed upon registration.

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite leev events on October 20, 2008