Unleashing The Diva Within Conferences International
5th Annual Women's Conferences
Theme: "Breaking the Chains That Bind Us"
Saturday, March 28, 2009
8 am - 4:30 pm
Lake San Marcos Resort, 1025 La Bonita Dr.
Lake San Marcos, Ca 92078
Registration Fee: $75
* Registration includes: Breakfast, Lunch and Materials *
**Vendor Booths available: $25 Plus Registration Fee**
Register Early and Recieve *Bonus Coaching Session* with Ursula Mentjes of Potential Quest.( $99 Value)
Speakers Include:
Ursula Mentjes--"Realizig Your Dreams In Spite of the Economy"
Prophetess Phyllis Johnson--"Refreshing Springs for Our Dry Places"
Gwen Thibeaux--"From Chaos to Abundant Living"
Sharon Fawcett--"Spiritual Path to Freedom From Depression"-From Brunswick, Canada via Webcast
Robin De-Ivy Allen--"Healthy Lifestyle Versus Poverty"
Pastor Angela Thibeaux--"I Have Been Set Free"
Musical Guest: LaGayle Marie
For More Information or to be a vendor, contact SulaMae 888-319-6343, ext 704
Organized by Unleashing the Diva Within Conferences Int'lFor the Physical, Mental & Spiritual Empowerment of Women Everywhere.
Ticket Info: - General Admission, $76.88
- Vendor Booth, $25.99
- Early Bird - "Buddy Special", $56.38
Official Website: http://unleashingthedivaconf-upcoming.eventbrite.com