4001 Mt. Vernon
Houston, Texas 77006

The Jazz Concert's theme encompases jazz and rock and roll from 1968-1975. This concert is in responce to the WWII theme presented last semester. Jazz and rock and roll had not been invented yet during WWII. America won WWII and the president was a hero.

In the period of 1968-75 America was divided on the Vietnam War and the president was entangled with Watergate. Civil rights, women's rights and equal rights in general pressed upon the minds of Americans.

The youth wanted change. It was heard through jazz with advant garde, jazz-rock fusion and this new form of music: rock and roll.

Official Website: http://www.stthom.edu/public/index.asp?Page_ID=1477&CalendarScriptAction=DetailView&ReturnScriptAction=DayView&Calendar_ID=2978&Recurring_Calendar_ID=0&StartDate=11/29/2010&EndDate=11/29/2010&ContentFilter=

Added by ustcommunications on November 12, 2010

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