An academic conference, panels, a series of film screenings and an art exhibition relating to the legacy of the unended Korean War.
All free and open to the public at New York University.
2011 marks the 61st Anniversary of the Korean War, which took the lives of over 4 million - and no peace treaty still.
Why doesn't this war end?
Films include:In the Matter of Cha Jung Hee by Deann Borshay Liem (90 min, 2010), Memories of Forgotten War by Deann Borshay Liem and Ramsay Liem (10 min, 2009), Grandmother's Flower by Jeong-hyun Mun (89 min, 2008)
Co Sponsored by Third World Newsreel, New York University, the Korea Policy Institute and Nodutdol for Korean Community Development.
With Support from the New York Council for the Humanities
For complete schedule and RSVP information:
or email:
The event is free, but you should RSVP.
Added by thirdworldnewsreel on March 25, 2011