Are you sick of looking at Craigslist? Have you applied to 80 million jobs and still heard nothing? Has your butt fused to your desk chair?
Well get your bum up and down to the GoldRush Coffee Bar on the cross of NE Russell and MLK, on Thursday May 7th. at 2 PM-4PM.
It's an opportunity to get out of the house cheaply (coffee is a buck 30- can't beat that with a stick!) , talk about your latest wild sceheme to make cash, and connect with some
other people who are in the same boat. Or you never know- you might meet your new writing partner who will help you write the great american novel, or a someone else entreprenuriallly minded
who thinks that your idea for freeze dried ice cubes is worth a round of VC.
Please send me note if you are planning on attending- if I get enough people together the folks there have promised to do somethin about the price of already ridiculously cheap coffee
Added by TechGirl on May 4, 2009