2502 S Tyler St
Tacoma, Washington

Created by the Colon Cancer Alliance, the Tacoma Undy 5000 is a family-friendly 5k run/walk, which encourages participants to run in their boxers to bring attention to the area affected by colon cancer. Runners are provided with a pair of Undy 5000 boxer shorts for each registration. There will be activities for the kids, a live band and Rainiers mascot, Rhubarb, will also join the fun! To register, visit www.undy5000.org.

The goal of the event is to educate the public about colon cancer, promote screenings, and get people talking about this deadly, but preventable, disease. Colon cancer is the third deadliest form of cancer in the U.S., but when detected and treated early, the five-year survival rate is 90%

In 2010, the Tacoma Undy 5000 raised almost $40,000 to support and build the CCA’s national and local patient support and public awareness programs. A portion of the funds raised this year will go to the local community for screening, awareness and patient support programs.

Visit www.StopColonCancerNow.com for details on the importance of getting screened or to find a screening center near you.

A fun event with a serious message – Organize a team! Raise money! Make a difference!

7:30 Race packet pickup and on-site registration
8:40 Opening remarks
9:00 5K begins
9:10 1 Mile Fun Run begins
10:15 Survivor recognition and awards ceremony

Official Website: http://www.undy5000.org

Added by StopColonCancerNow.com on July 12, 2011