The Training Quality Standard (TQS) is an assessment framework designed to recognise and celebrate the best organisations delivering training and development solutions to employers. Highlightingthe mostresponsivetraining to employers, the framework is widely acknowledged as a robust development tool which can support quality improvement activities in training providers looking to become more employer responsive.
This workshop explores the use of the Standard as a development tool. It is aimed at organisations of any type who are:
(1) Delivering training in the automotive sector;
(2) Looking to develop and improve their responsiveness of their organisation to employers; and
(3) Interested in applying for the Training Quality Standard (Assessment and Certification)
The session will explore and discuss:
n the fundamental concepts of the Standard (Part A and B) and how they translate into the framework of criteria and indicator statements;
n how the standard can be used as a development tool;
n the scoring methodology and how organisations can use RADAR Logic to structure self-assessment against the standard;
n how to approach a application for Part B in Automotive Skills; and finally
n hints, tips and tools put forward by members of the TQS Assessment Team.
The day will use a combination of presentations, facilitated group discussion and breakout-sessions to meet these objectives. Presenting will be licensed TQS Assessors who will also be able to help clarify you understanding of the Standard in relation to your organisation.
For more information please contact Adrian Lawson (Development Manager- Quality Improvement) of the IMI
Organized by The SSC for the Retail Motor IndustryThe IMI is the professional association for individuals working in the motor industry. The Institute is the Sector Skills Council for the automotive retail industry, part of the Skills for Business network and also the governing body for the Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA) scheme.
This event has been organised for members of the Association of Learning Providers, specifically those delivering training in the Automotive Sector. Details for other events about the Training Quality Standard can be found at: www.traininingqualitystandard.co.uk
Ticket Info: Member, Free
Official Website: http://tqsautomotiveskills-upcoming.eventbrite.com