Not sure what your credit needs to look like to qualify for a mortgage? Are you just confused about how to improve your score and take care of collections?
Community Frameworks can help. We are a local non-profit housing provider. We have been in the homeownership business for over 13 years and provide Credit and Debt management education as well as one-on-one debt management and credit repair assistance for those who need it. Our sponsors and lending partners support allow us to provide this service to the public at no charge.
Our UNDERSTANDING CREDIT CLASS will be offered on November 4th at 6 pm. The class is one hour long.
Understanding credit covers the components of a credit score, how to improve your score, what your credit report looks like, how to take care of collections, judgments and general information to get you prepared to apply for credit and much more.
Don't waste another minute on winging it with your credit. Work with Community Frameworks and get the skills and tools you need to move towards success.
Community Frameworks manages the entire homeownership process from application to move in. We are with you every step of the way.
For more information contact Community Frameworks at 509-484-6733, ext. 117 or check us out online at
Added by bluemoonmel on October 26, 2009