You are cordially invited to participate in the scientific conference "Understanding Aging: Biomedical and Bioengineering Approaches," which will be held from June 27-29, 2008 at UCLA. The conference includes a free symposium for the general public on June 27th focused on public policy implications of successfully postponing aging. The scientific conference, on June 28th and 29th, will be focused on the science and technology of aging and its postponement.
Over 20 illustrious speakers are already confirmed. The provisional schedule for the conference is here:
The meeting will comprise invited talks, short oral presentations of submitted abstracts, and poster sessions. There will be no concurrent sessions. Talks will take place in the LaKretz Auditorium. Poster sessions will take place each evening. To submit an abstract, please follow this link:
All questions should be directed to the organisers: Aubrey de Grey, Irina Conboy and Amy Wagers.
Official Website:
Added by kiracle on June 17, 2008