Atlas holds up the atom
how do ants make mounds?
how do birds make nests?
Join artists Sean Ripple, William Hundley and Paul Moncus September 20, 2008 at the Salvage Vanguard Theatre Gallery for the start of the installation -- a collaborative visual exploration of space and scale. The finalized installation exhibition opening will take place on Thursday September 25th, from 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM.
Like extensions of the self-preserving and formally interesting organization that takes place within our cells, humanly constructed
environments emerge in response to the natural world. These environments are the bodies for our bodies… exoskeletons if you will. It's as if our cellular organization was searching for a mirror of itself in the external world as a means to extend and protect its own existence, and since it didn't find that mirror, it went ahead and worked it out. Of course, we're not talking about choice here… we're talking about something a little stupider… something a little more rhythmic… something a little more mindless.
Similarly, the products we create and consume, whose packaging carcasses we send along to the landfill or leave on the street or reuse to make front doormats, have a strange sort of naturalness about them. Really, take a look at some hair gel and try not to think about cytoplasm. Take a look at some sort of mesh fabric (the kind you might find stretched over your lawn furniture) and remember those dead skin cells that fell off in large batches when you were waving goodbye to a friend. Look at your watch and think of XY chromosomes… or XX chromosomes if you're so inclined.
Official Website:
Added by salvo cheque on September 18, 2008