216 Hanover Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02113

The UMass Amherst Hillel is pleased to announce its spring fundraiser, Comedy for a Cause, on Sunday, May 3rd, at 3:00pm.The event will be held at the Improv Asylum in Boston’s North End and will feature a Improv comedy show and sports-themed silent auction to support Jewish student life at UMass Amherst.

From 3:00-3:45 there will be a cocktail hour where participants can enjoy refreshments, a cash bar, and a Silent Auction featuring a wide range of items (both non- and sports-themed) for bidding at various price levels, with all proceeds benefitting UMASS Hillel. Items include: Red Sox tickets, a signed Patriots football, Golf outings, one week in a two bedroom condo on Grand Cayman Island, fabulous Jewish artwork, one night’s stay at the Colonnade Hotel in Boston, a private backstage tour and tickets to the Huntington Theatre, signed baseballs, and much more.

After the cocktail hour, participants will enjoy a show by Improv Asylum - voted “Boston’s Best Comedy Club.” Featured on HBO, the Improv Asylum features a cast of actors who bring together improvisation and sketch material in front of a live audience. The show has been described as a “hilarious mix of Whose Line is it Anyway? meets Saturday Night Live!”. The cast takes suggestions from the audience and creates comedic scenes on the spot – nothing is predictable, anything can happen and it’s never the same show twice!

Tickets are $36.00 per person or $50 per person including a Red Sox cap (limited number available). The show is recommended for ages 17 and older. Validated parking is available for $3.00 for 3 hours at the Parcel 7 Garage, located at 136 Blackstone Street in Boston near the Haymarket T Station

To purchase tickets for the event, become a sponsor, or bid on silent auction items, visit http://www.umasshillel.org/comedyforacause or email Courtney Pupkin at cpupkin@external.umass.edu.

Added by Courtney Pupkin on April 13, 2009

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