THE ULTIMATE MIXER at the Institute of Contemporary Art
Tuesday, October 26, 2004 // 6:00pm-8:00pm
The New Group of the Institute of Contemporary Art invites you to join us at the "Ultimate Mixer: Art + Business: Social + Professional" event on October 26, 2004.
The Second Annual Ultimate Mixer cocktail party will be hosted by the New Group of the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) on October 26th, 2004, from 6:00-8:00 pm at the museum located at 955 Boylston Street. The goal of this unique event is to bring together local, yet diverse, business and social groups into the museum for a night of culture and networking. Tickets are $20 for ICA members, $25 for non-members.
Email aviddg@yahoo.com for ticket information.
The exhibition on view will be Boris Mikhailov: A Retrospective, the Russian photographer's first retrospective in the U.S. For more information about the exhibit, visit
Proceeds will benefit Vita Brevis, the ICA's public art program, which commissions local, national and international artists to create new temporary works of public art that respond to Boston's landscape and history.
Added by avidg on October 23, 2004