October 26-27, 2006 the Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum `2006 will take place
The forum objective is to promote development of Ukrainian market of software development and IT Outsourcing Services. Ukraine has rather good potential for development of the most high tech area of world economy. Ukrainian IT Outsourcing market demonstrates high growth rate. During several recent years average growth rate summed up to 40% annually. This index has been one the highest for the Ukrainian economy and illustrates great opportunities of the industry. Ukrainian High-Tech Initiative experts estimate the size of IT Outsourcing market at 500 mln USD in 2005 and expect 25-30% growth in 2006.
Forums goals and objectives
?Presentation Ukraine's potential of Ukraine on IT Outsourcing Services and Products market.
?Attracting new consumers of outsourcing services to Ukraine.
?Organizing of B2B meetings between Ukrainian and foreign companies.
?Discussion of the issues tied to development of Ukrainian IT Outsourcing Industry.
Forum Program
There will be several conference sections introduced with a topic assigned to each:
?Marketing of Outsourcing Services on the Global Scale
?Production potentialities for Ukrainian IT industry.
?Outsourcing technology and infrastructure.
?Regional centers of software development in Ukraine.
?Game development in Ukraine.
?BPO Outsourcing.
Forum will also expose leading Ukrainian and foreign IT outsourcing companies. There also will be presented professional software associations and alliances working on Ukrainian IT market.
Ukrainian IT Matchmaking Event '2006 ( B2B meetings)
Within the Forum there will be held a ?Ukrainian IT Matchmaking Event '2006?. It will allow Ukrainian and foreign participants to organize business meetings, acquaintances, company presentations and find partners. On-line meetings scheduler will allow viewing the forum participants? profiles and set the meetings in advance.
Round Table Discussions
??Consolidation of IT industry in order to solve common problems?
??Strategy and tactics of software development industry in Ukraine? Current issues and solutions. Leading countries experience and reality.
Forum participants will be able to take sightseeing tours of Kiev and visit the most famous sight of the city.
Forum Participants
Among the Forum participants there will be world famous outsourcing experts, leading Ukrainian and Eastern European companies working in offshore IT outsourcing, investment companies, Ukrainian enterprises? IT department managers and government officials.
Nataliya Arseeva
For additional information about the Forum program and participation, please visit the official Forum web site:
?or request it by phone: +38 044 458-17-53
To participate in the Forum, please apply online:
Partners: The Ukrainian Association of Software Developers (UASWD)
Information Partner: The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine
Media Partners: ?Coprporate Systems?, ?PC World?, ?Computer World?
Internet Reportage: ?Pica Pica?
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative (www.hi-tech.org.ua) is a leading alliance of Ukrainian software development companies working in outsourcing, offshore software development and BPO. Ukrainian HI-Tech Initiative is an organizer of annual Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum (www.outsourcing-forum.com.ua) ? IT business forum dedicated to promotion and development of Ukrainian software development and outsourcing market.
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative objectives:
?setting up and development of international connections in the sphere of software development;
?creation of a positive image of Ukrainian software development on the foreign markets;
?search and selection of partners supplying IT services outsourcing and BPO in Ukraine;
?organization of B2B meeting between Ukrainian and foreign companies;
?finding investors into Ukrainian software development industry.
Official Website: http://www.outsourcing-forum.com.ua
Added by Natasha on May 20, 2006