510 Turnpike Street
North Andover, Massachusetts 01945

Opinions are cheap but insights are priceless. When looking over someone else's design, how do you ensure you're delivering valuable insights that bring new perspectives to the table?

The best critiques not only deliver value to the original designer, but to everyone involved, because it raises the discourse to the underlying fundamentals and goals, not just the specifics of color and font size. Learning to critique well is like many other skills: the more you practice, the better you get.

You'll know you've delivered a great critique when:

* The designer is receptive and engaged in the discussion, instead of being defensive and argumentative
* The designer becomes introspective and talks about how they want to revisit some of the underlying precepts of the design
* Other team members use the critique to look at other on-going work

In this UIE Virtual Seminar, you'll get a chance to test out your critique skills. We're soliciting four web sites from members of our audience. We'll ask them some important information about their designs and then, a week before the seminar, pass that on to you. You'll have an opportunity to look at each site and develop your critique points. In the seminar, you'll compare your findings against our critique and other attendees.

We're going to focus this session on Site Navigation. We'll look at some interesting solutions and talk about what the designers have done well and where we might expect their users to run into issues. We'll see how these designs tackle some of the big challenges that many designers face when building large, complex web sites. We'll even look at other sites that have possibly solved the problems in other ways.

For this event to happen we need your help. If you’d like your site to be included in this process, please submit your URL to mysitenav@uie.com. Or, you can call Adam at 978-327-5561. We'll respond to you with some questions specific to your site. Everyone who submits their responses to those questions will receive the archive at no additional cost when they sign up for the September’s UIE Virtual Seminar. If your site is selected, you and your team will receive a free registration for the event!

Join us for this fun, interactive session where you and your colleagues will get a chance to test your skills and learn new techniques for providing insightful, constructive feedback.

Register with the Promotional code "YAHOO21" and receive our lowest cost of just $99!

Official Website: http://www.uie.com/events/virtual_seminars/critique/

Added by achurchill on August 19, 2008