8609 SE Seventeenth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97202

email: rcoones102@msn.com

Will have the UFO night May 30 7pm this month so we can attend an event.

Twin Paradox is a Coffeehouse located in the Sellwood district of Portland. Friendly atmosphere and inexpensive. This is a good location and friendly owner is interested in UFOs.

Will have the meetup on the first Sundays of each month from 7pm to 10 pm and pretty much the same format as at Beautiful Pizza Which has closed (I think Carl wanted to relocate to the Near East).

Jefferson Kincaide will be leading the event if I cannot Make It.

Please tell your friends about the new location and invite them all. I encourage anyone who wants to have the mic to tell their story to those present. Afterwards I will be showing UFO video and Conspiracy Research video afterwards.

Please sign up for the UFO/Inquiring Minds email list so I or Jefferson can keep in contact for changes. And this event will be in Portland Craigslist under EVENTS with the keyword UFO in your search.

If you would like to be on the email list for The UFO/Inquiring Minds Group..... send an email to rcoones102@msn.com

There are usually 3-4 emails a week of interesting and informative subjects.

Delving into the Mysteries of UFOs, Conspiracy Theories, Psychic Phenomena, Hidden Agendas of World Government with Videos, Guest Speakers, Discussion and News from the UFO and Conspiracy Theory Community. Come and voice your opinion. Also including Secret Government, Crop Circles, Mysterious Lights, Ancient Places of Power, UFO Contactee testimony, Earth Energies, Underground Bases, Area 51, Roswell, Ashtar Command, Channeled communication, all are subjects of discussion and presentation. Presenting Video from around the world from the nuts and bolts of the phenomenon to the esoteric side. This is information you will not see in the controlled Media. Tired of your ration of bad news everyday from the talking heads on mass media .... Break out from the herd and dare to think for yourself! You don’t know the story until you have heard all sides. From Ancient Times to the present, UFOs are a continuing phenomenon and proof we are not alone and someone is running the world behind the scenes. Presenting you with Information for your Enlightened Discernment & discussion. Live discussion and meetings coming


Inquiring Minds (Yahoo Group)


Portland Conspiracy Central (Yahoo group)


Added by rcoones10211 on March 21, 2010

Interested 2