UEVision will hold their upcoming "Design Matters" themed Open House in celebration of World Usability Day. The event will be held from 6-8 pm in the penthouse suite of the old Hamm's Brewery, which is now an office building at 1550 Bryant Street in San Francisco's Mission neighborhood and the home of UEVision's new offices.
"World Usability Day marks the day when people and companies worldwide focus on the importance of usability. Our core expertise at UEVision is usability and designing the perfect user experience," says Sarah Kling, CEO of UEVision. "We want to make San Francisco a part of this international celebration with an event that hones in on the notion of 'Design Matters' and how simple changes in product design translate into happier users, lower support costs and increased ROI."
World Usability Day is sponsored by the Usability Professionals' Association (UPA), an organization that supports companies and advocates who enrich usability and the user experience. UEVision's event will focus on how, for even commonly used items, considering the needs of the end user and making minor changes in design can translate into products that are significantly easier to use.
UEVision's event is being sponsored by commercial broker Doug Houghton, Vice President at CRESA Partners. CRESA Partners is the largest tenant representation firm in the nation and specializes in office leasing and the disposition of commercial real estate.
About UEVision
UEVision is the only user experience design company with the breadth of expertise to deliver cutting-edge business, enterprise, and consumer product user experiences. Based in San Francisco, UEVision actively designs and delivers the perfect product user experience. UEVision's customers have typically experienced higher profitability on their product launches and the ROI on UI investment typically is up 1000%.
Free. Please RSVP by 11/5 to 415.325.4908 or patricia@uevision.com.
Official Website: http://www.uevision.com
Added by FullCalendar on October 28, 2008