600 16th Street
San Francisco Bay Area, California

UCSF invites you to attend a public meeting regarding 654 Minnesota Street on Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:00 pm.

Meeting Location: UCSF Mission Bay Campus, Genentech Hall Auditorium, 600 16th St., SF

Accessible via Muni No.15 to 16th and 3rd Streets. Free parking for the meeting: enter from 4th Street, off 16th Street

The purpose of this meeting is for neighbors to give feedback on:

• the proposed renovation of 654 Minnesota, and
• the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration.

UCSF proposes to occupy the 65,000 sq. ft. building with administrative office and data-center uses. Under CEQA (the California Environmental Quality Act), the Initial Study finds that after mitigation, no significant impacts would occur with the project. Thus a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been drafted.

The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration will be available online at http://campusplanning.ucsf.edu beginning November 3, 2006. You can obtain a paper or CD copy by calling 415/476-2911.

To give written feedback on the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, write to: Michelle Schaefer, UCSF Campus Planning, Box 0286, SF, CA 94143-0286 or email her at EIR@planning.ucsf.edu by December 7, 2006.

UCSF fully ascribes to the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need accommodation, please call UCSF’s office of Community and Governmental Relations at 415/476-3206 with your suggested accommodation.

Added by potrerohillsf on November 7, 2006

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