2220 Piedmont Avenue
Berkeley, California 94720

February 28 - March 3, 2011: 9 AM - 5 PM

UC Berkeley's: Pricing for Profitability in the Information Age

Companies leave millions, sometimes billions, of dollars on the table every year through sub-optimal pricing practices. The current abundance of customer data, in the context of increased global competition and the instant information sharing made possible by the internet, requires companies to not only set the right prices, but to continually monitor and refine pricing.

The Pricing program at the UC Berkeley Center for Executive Development equips managers with proven techniques for assessing, formulating, and monitoring pricing strategies. Participants will learn several powerful principles of pricing, and will explore innovative approaches that take full advantage of the rapid changes brought about by the information age. The tools developed in this course will enable you to fully integrate the 3Cs of pricing (Customers, Competitors, and Costs) into the best price for your products.

Taught by leading Haas faculty together with industry leaders.

Upon completion of this course, participants will:

- Possess a solid understanding of current pricing practices in product and service industries
- Understand when and how to apply state-of-the-art frameworks for optimizing pricing decisions
- Have mastered the essential techniques for making profitable pricing decisions

Who Should Attend?
This course is targeted to Product Management, Marketing, Pricing, and Finance professionals who are responsible for pricing products and services. This course is ideal for the Executive who has responsibility for pricing an entire product or service line.

Official Website: http://www.galimagroup.com/pricing

Added by FullCalendar on January 22, 2011

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