1675 Owens Street
San Francisco, California 94143-3008

Mon-Wed, April 12-14, 2010, 9am to 5pm

UC Berkeley's: New Manager Boot Camp

- Engaging and inspiring others.
- Assembling and retaining the best talent.
- Prioritizing and making quality decisions.
- Navigating your organization's unique power structure to get things done.
- Mastering the art of personal, group, and remote communications.

All while staying on top of your field. Unlocking the full potential of your team, and yourself, requires an additional set of skills-beyond what got you here. UC Berkeley's "New Manager Boot Camp" uses a combination of lectures, case studies, and individual and group exercises designed for immediate application in your career as a manager and a leader. Award-winning faculty and industry experts team up in this program to make sure you are prepared to lead.

This three day training course will make sure you are ready to face the challenges of being a new manager.

- Leading and Developing Others: How do you ensure that your team members are excited about their work, your team, the company? How do you manage difficult people? What do you do about conflicts between team members? How do you lead people who were your peers yesterday?

- Team Structure: How many people can you effectively manage? How do you determine roles for team members? How do you manage dispersed, multi-cultural teams? What is technology's impact on organizational structure and business processes?

- Prioritizing: How do you balance team management, planning for the future, and day-to-day decision making? How do you keep your team focused without micromanaging?

- Hiring and Firing: How do you find good people and assess if they are a fit for your team? How do you take action when you have a poor fit-quickly, professionally, and without threat of lawsuit?

- Communicating Effectively: How do you harness the power of communication?

The New Manager Boot Camp will provide you the most intensive management training you can find for knowledge workers who are new to management.

Official Website: http://www.galimagroup.com/new-manager-training/

Added by FullCalendar on March 10, 2010