ANNUAL GOTH BALL, "UBER Gothique" w/You Shriek! and DJs 8-bit and Dehuman8
Friday, October 24th
It's that time of year again for the Annual Halloween Goth Ball!
This year we thought we'd play up the Goth cliché and let you wear your spider web fishnets and eyeliner.
Performance by Boston's You Shriek! ->
Cash prize for the best costume!
DJs Dehuman9 and 8-bit spin the best in 'ween music.
9pm-1am, 21+, $10 with costume/$12 without
@ The Asylum, 121 Center Street, Portland, Maine
More information at
Gothic Maine - keeping it spooky in vacationland
Event submitted by on behalf of gothicmaine.
Added by gothicmaine on October 20, 2008