The University of Toronto Astronomy and Space Exploration Society
(UTASX) will be holding our Annual General Meeting in just a few days.
If you're looking to get involved in a club where astronomy and space exploration come first, or would like to gain some new skills and experiences (great for personal development and finding jobs), then take a look at running for ASX positions at the upcoming election!
Even if you don't want to run for a position, show up and tell us what you thought about our events this past year, or what you'd like to see from us next year. We're always looking for enthusiastic people to help us make our events bigger and better!
Also, **FREE FOOD and DRINKS for everyone!**
(Please RSVP by sending us an email at with the subject "AGM RSVP" so that we know how much food to get.)
UTASX Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Date, Time: Wednesday, April 4, 2007, 7-9pm
Location: Bahen Centre (room 1230), University of Toronto
1. Year End Review
2. Constitutional Amendments
3. Elections
4. Ideas for Next Year
All executive and coordinator positions are open for the upcoming 2007-2008 academic year. The details for each of these positions are listed on our website ( If you are interested in running for a position, please send us an email with your intent to run by 11:59pm on April 1st, 2007.
At the AGM, each candidate will have 2-3 minutes to talk about their ideas and plans for the upcoming year, and the elections will take place shortly afterwards.
If you have any questions about the upcoming AGM, the elections, or any of the positions, please contact us at You could also visit our website at for more information about ASX and our upcoming events.
Official Website:
Added by dereklee11 on March 28, 2007