Every year, a few hundred typography and design enthusiasts descend upon a city for TypeCon. This year, it's Boston.
The Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA) presents TypeCon2006: The Boston T Party.
More than 70 speakers and workshop leaders will appear at TypeCon2006, including Matthew Carter, James Craig, Sibylle Hagmann, Allan Haley, Kit Hinrichs, Skolos and Wedell, Clif Stoltze, Ilene Strizver, Robin Williams, and representatives from design-friendly companies like Apple, Adobe, Bitstream, and Font Bureau.
In addition to the full conference program and workshops, we will present two free special events as a gift to the community. The first, on Wed. evening, August 9, is the Typophile Film Festival, and is free and open to the public until we run out of seats. The second is a type and design education forum on Thursday, Aug. 10, which will be opened up to all interested educators and students (again, until we fill all the seats). I know that not everyone will be able to attend the full conference, so we are glad to be able to offer the no-cost shorter events to expand our outreach to the graphic arts community.
Official Website: http://www.typecon.com
Added by Stewf on July 27, 2006