First Presentation: "Rehabbing & Remodeling Homes for Profit"
Save Money on Property Rehab & Build Wealth! Learn how to Rehab Properties for a fraction of the normal estimated cost.
You probably know investors that are making $25,000, $50,000 or even $100,000 per deal by buying properties cheap, rehabbing them, and lease optioning or selling them retail at a big profit.
Learn from Pete how he does everything from minor cosmetic procedures to enhance the value of a home, to major renovation techniques that will add THOUSANDS to your equity position and net worth.
Pete teaches 101 valuable techniques, which range from minor cosmetics for the homeowner and new investor, to major rehabs for the seasoned investor. Pete's REHAB 101 techniques will save you time and money!
Second Presentation: "Why You Must Plan Ahead for Long Term Care?"
It Could Happen To Anyone, at Any Time! Everyone is at risk, not only of having a family member in need of long-term care, but of needing assistance themselves. Whether you are 18 or 81 you need to learn about long-term care.
No one wants to think about a time when they might need long-term care. So planning ahead for this possibility often gets put off. Most people first learn about long-term care when they or a loved one need care. Then their options are often limited by lack of information, the immediate need for services, and insufficient resources to pay for preferred services. Planning ahead allows you to have more control over your future.
Long term care may be required due to a terminal condition, disability, illness, injury or the infirmity of old age. Estimates by experts are that at least 60% of all individuals will need extended help in one or more of the areas above during their lifetime.
Learn from Pam Cartago about Understanding, Planning & Paying for Long-Term Care and Insurance as a possible option and what to look for in a plan.
Free (Must register to attend).
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Added by FullCalendar on September 24, 2008