Retrospectives of work by Benjamin Thigpen and Annette Vande Gorne - two sound artists that are little known in Toronto but who have contributed greatly to the development of sound art in Europe in recent years. Thigpen's side of this duo portrait includes Balagan, Incandescence and Malfunction3093 while Vande Gorne's side features Ce qu’a vu le vent d’Est, Exil, Chant II and Figures d'espace from a her latest release on the famed empreintes DIGITALes label. Both artists work feature a wide range of energy, intensity and colour. The artists will both be on hand to perform their work and provide some insight to the processes behind their works. Presented by New Adventures in Sound Art as part of the Sound Travels Festival.
Official Website:
Added by NAISA on July 7, 2009