Good Morning, 'Twitter 101'
Wake up and join us to get acclimated to Twitter, the hottest new web phenomenon with over 600% growth in '08!! Well show you how to set up and use this social media tool to create a great business network. This is the only opportunity in town to bring yourLAPTOP foranINTERACTIVE session!
Topics we will cover:
Building your brand on Twitter.
Different types of relationships and how to communicate with each type.
How to connect with the audience you want, such as local people, by keyword searches, etc.
Strategies to create good content.
Setting up your mobile device.
And more!
This is a great opportunity to build yourKNOWLEDGE andNETWORK on Twitter in a small, collaborative environment!
Organized by Ray & Barney GroupWe help humans find jobs. We work with many types of professional jobs, and our specialties are technology, web, sales and marketing.
We also offerbusiness consulting services, technology services and HR services.
Ticket Info: Good Morning, 'Twitter 101', $41.00
Official Website: http://goodmorningtwitter101-upcoming.eventbrite.com