It's easy to set up accounts on Twitter but sometimes hard to know what to do with them! You may have been to an overview session where you learned "everything you need to know about social media" in a 60 minute session with 50 other people, and then left frustrated and overwhelmed. Or maybe you felt empowered, went and set up your accounts and then waited for the business to pour in, only to hear crickets chirping....
Why this Social Media Workshop has Whole Brain Goodness...
It's important to understand how social media fits into your overall strategy and goals as a professional or business owner, and it's really helpful to do this in a group environment where you can talk through your plans and get feedback from others who are struggling with the same issues. When it's a group that's facilitated by people with expertise to get your accounts configured properly, understand the tools well enough to help you define an appropriate strategy, it's even better.
In this workshop you'll learn:
How to find and connect with influencers on Twitter
How to use hashtags to connect with people on Twitter
How to use Twitter for your business
Official Website:
Added by Whole Brain Group on March 6, 2012