What is Twitter?
Twitter is a social media platform at the last estimates it was the 3rd largest platform with regards to traffic. With Twitter, you can post 140 characters which instantly updates your friends or followers about what you are doing. You can use twitter to promote your business or products, source new products or get instant feedback.
Who is the Twitter Training for?
Anyone that is totally new to Twiiter and looking to jumpstart their use of Twitter.
* Maybe you already have a twitter account, but you are just trying to find your away around and not really sure how this thing actually works..
* Or it could be that you've heard of Twitter, but your not sure how it could help your business.
In this 1 hour fast paced Twitter training you will learn to cut through the noise on Twitter and you will receive the basic understanding of the different Twitter components.
Official Website: http://www.reachd.com/twitter101
Added by RodneySEO on February 19, 2009