130 W. College Ave
State College, Pennsylvania 16801

Sun, June 22 at 8:00pm
$7 / $5 for Students and Seniors

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the 8th Air Force Historical Society will be joining us for the special movie screening. This is a group of 8th Army Air Force Veterans & spouses, World War II veterans from supporting units, and any individual interested in studying or perpetuating the history of the 8th and its supporting units. The organization has had annual reunions in State College for the past several years, in mid-June.

One of the most interesting aspects of the event will be the rare opportunity to meet and chat with 8th AAF veterans who served in England during the war and hear their stories first hand, prior to the showing of the film. At the movie premiere on 21 December 1949, at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, many 8th veterans attended- senior officers, well-known (at the time) combat veterans, ground crewmen, "the girls back home", etc. A sixty piece Air Force band was flown in from San Antonio, Texas, to provide music- it was quite an event! As you may well know, many of the veterans of the Second World War have since passed on, so seeing this film with individuals who actually lived the events portrayed nearly sixty years after the movie's 1949 premiere is a special event indeed.

Directed by Henry King
Starring Gregory Peck
During war against Germany, General Frank Savage commands a group of American daylight bombers during times of intense attack from German forces. He must build their morale back up following struggle against their enemy. He teaches his dismal Army Air Corps. group to keep their spirits up in order to serve their country with pride.

This 1949 film, starring Gregory Peck, features actual footage from combat on both sides and is in part based on the life of World War II Major General Frank A. Armstrong. Told as a flashback by Savage’s right-hand man, Major Harvey Stovall (Dean Jagger), this story is sure to show the courageous effort of the United States Air Force during the war along with the war’s sad truths. Jagger’s performance, which won him an Oscar, alongside Gregory Peck, depicts a thorough war drama.

Country of Origin: USA
Language: English

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the 8th Air Force Historical Society would like to Thank these sponsors for their support:

The Friends of the Pennsylvania Military Museum- a group of individuals who share an interest in military history, with an emphasis on contributions of Pennsylvania veterans in all branches of service during the 20th century. Interested individuals can contact the group's business manager at 814-466-6401; e-mail fommbusmanager@verizon.net

Shields Motor Company - a special thanks for supporting Veterans and providing transportation to this event for our WWII Veteran guests.

The Penn State University Libraries - Albert M. Petska Libraries Endowment (for info to use concerning this organization, please contact Jim Quigel at the Library- 863-3181 or e-mail jpq1@psulias.psu.edu

Any individual with an interest in the history of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the 8th Air Force Historical Society is welcome to join! Contact the Membership Manager, John Raiser, for information - 814-574-9622; e-mail jcrper@engr.psu.edu.

To purchase tickets, visit http://www.thestatetheatre.org/purchase.php today!

Official Website: http://www.thestatetheatre.org/Events/fullevent.php?id=311

Added by the state theatre on June 6, 2008

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