126 N. Main St.
Dayton, Ohio 45402

The setting for The Human Race's production of Twelfth Night won’t be Illyria. More like Elyria. Sir Toby Belch and friends and their plots, the love triangle and its mistaken identity move forward a few centuries and come to America. Spats replace tights, speakeasies replace palaces, as Shakespeare’s words come alive in 1927. The play with the line “if music be the food of love, play on,” will sate appetites with the sounds of the era – Gershwin, jazz, Tin Pan Alley, Broadway. But Malvolio will still lurk, the plotters will still plot, the lovers will remain confused, and the immortal words will still flow. The Bard calls the antics of his play “midsummer madness,” and they’re a welcome escape from midwinter reality.

Official Website: http://www.humanracetheatre.org

Added by The Human Race Theatre on January 17, 2011