329 S Park St
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007

The Civic presents Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night.' As this captivating comedy unfolds, Shakespeare once again plays with the intersections of love and power. The sudden deaths of her father and brother have left the Countess Olivia, an independent and powerful woman, especially attractive to Duke Orsino, who, as the play begins, is already pursuing her. With the arrival of the well-born twins Viola and Sebastian, the love of power gives way to the power of love. The twins have been shipwrecked, and each thinks the other has drowned. Without protection, Viola chooses to disguise herself as a page, call herself Cesario, and enter into the service of Orsino. Orsino and Olivia become increasingly obsessed with Cesario. Olivia falls in love with him and Orsino cannot be out of his company. These tangled relationships provide many humorous moments before they are wonderfully untangled.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 22, 2009