Bleicherweg 5
Zürich, Zürich 8001

Digital Culture and Lifestyle Festival

interFaces - the interface between the real and virtual worlds
The borders between reality and virtuality are becoming ever more permeable, and because of new connection elements, in many aspects
these worlds are beginning to merge. These interfaces and the interaction between people and machines, continues to gain in relevance. As cyberspace continues to develop in the form of improved 3D worlds and with both new digital tools and ways of interacting and controlling physical objects, a new era in the digital age has begun. Products providing these new interfaces are successful, as demonstrated by the iPhone. Products are available which transport virtual content to real worlds as are products which register information about physical activities, make an assessment and connect to virtual communities.
These developments and services are on the advance. They connect to the future “Internet of Things” which links the real world with the virtual world via sensors and interfaces. This changes the perception approach and social behavior of the digital community. And last but not least, it will cause the introduction of a flood of new business models and offerings.
tweakfest 09 will concentrate on the interfaces which emerge out of the linking of physical objects (intelligent products) and subjects (people) and highlights the resulting new opportunities.

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